Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD, is a program that Loftus Public School has implemented for Stage 2 and 3 since 2016. It is a program providing greater access to the essential skills required for future focused learning and student growth in technology and across all key learning areas.
When your child enters Year 3 in 2024, they will be using a device in their learning for tasks involving research, creativity, word processing, comprehension, coding, 3D designing & printing and much more. BYOD is an exciting technological opportunity in teaching and learning at Loftus Public School which promotes positive digital citizenship for all students.
To ensure equality for all students, we have a number of strategies in place if a family is unable to supply their child with a personal device. Students will have access to school iPads and school laptops, however these loan devices must be kept at school.
Students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 also use iPads in their daily learning. Each K-2 class has their own set of iPads in which they use to develop vital technological skills through engaging and meaningful activities.