Loftus Public School

Educating for Excellence

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Book Week

The Children's Book Council of Australia

 Each year, schools and public libraries across Australia spend a week celebrating books, Australian authors and illustrators. In Loftus PS Library we conduct activities relating to a theme to highlight the importance of reading.

Each year Loftus PS Library purchases the appropriate books from the following four CBCA categories:

CBCA Book of the Year: Younger Readers

Entries in this category are for outstanding books published for children in the age range from 8 to 12 years (Primary school level). Books may be fiction, drama, graphic novels, illustrated text or poetry. Judging takes into account the literary qualities of the text, editing and book production.

CBCA Book of the Year: Early Childhood

Entries in this category are for outstanding books suitable in content and style for pre and beginning readers (Pre school and infants level). These include works of fiction, poetry, wordless, board and concept books. The illustration/s reflect/s all the text on the page and often do not add extra meaning to the storyline. The font size and style, rhythm and meter of the text are important. Clear design, layout and editing are also important.

CBCA Picture Book of the Year (only age appropriate texts are purchased)

Entries in this category should be outstanding books of the genre in which the text and illustrations achieve artistic and literary unity and the story, theme or concept is enhanced and unified through the illustrations. Picture Books can be for any age. A picture book can be written and illustrated by a sole creator or a collaborative effort between two or more creators. The text and illustrations work cohesively. The illustrations are an integral part of, or extend the action on the page. The illustrations are either as important as the text or more important and can be enjoyed separately from the text. Illustrator/s that have taken an existing piece of work and produced new illustrations that enhance that text can only be entered in this category.

The Eve Pownall Award for Information Books (only age appropriate texts are purchased)

Entries in this category should be books which have the prime purpose of documenting factual material with consideration given to imaginative presentation, interpretation and variation of style. Books are judged on the balance and harmony of language style and presentation, graphic excellence, clarity, appropriateness and aesthetic appeal of illustrations, and the overall design of the book. Referencing of sources are important, as are inclusion of a contents page, index, bibliography and glossary which enhance the reader's experience. Autobiographies and biographies are entered in this category. Age range for this category is 0 to 18 years.

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